14 Μαΐ 2020

How to make a sundial

Several types of sundials exist. In this article guidance is given in order to make two types of sundials:
  1. Equatorial sundial, and
  2. Analemmatic sundial.
There is also a manual written about how to use the sundials and read the time properly.

The figures you are going to see apply for places in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. However, directions will be given in order to apply also for places in the Southern Hemisphere.
Let’s begin…:


Advantages: An equatorial sundial is easy to design and construct. It can work in most places of the Earth.

Disadvantages: There are corrections that need to be made when we read the time. Furthermore, at latitudes (φ) between 0<φ<23.5ο north or south of the equator the equatorial sundial will not show the correct time (unless you could tilt the frame of the hours at the right angle -facing south or north- depending on the place and the season-date).

Below there are some figures for making an equatorial sundial for places in the northern hemisphere.

Note: Make the same design for places in southern hemisphere.

Note: Make the same design for places in southern hemisphere.

Note: This is how you orientate the sundial in the northern hemisphere (φ>23.5 degrees)

Note: This is how you orientate the sundial in the sourthern hemisphere (φ>23.5 degrees)

Below there is a picture of an equatorial sundial that I made (in Greece):

At the picture above you may notice that the 13 hour is in the middle, instead of the 12 hour. I did this on purpose because the sundial is used more often during the summer season, where summer time is on. That is why I replaced the hours according to summer time so that I do not have to make corrections from standard time (winter time) to summer time.

Orientation of the sundial

The sundial must be placed horizontally, looking to the true north-south direction as shown in the figures above.
The magnetic north is not in the same direction as the true north (geographic north).

By the time the sun gets to its highest point in the sky (at solar noon), turn the sundial so that the gnomon’s shadow shows 12 on the sundial. This is one way to orientate your sundial towards the true north-south direction.
But how to find which time (of our watches) the sun is at solar noon? You can find it in the internet, or you can contact with me.

User Manual for an equatorial sundial

Since you have orientated the sundial you should not move it again.
The hours that you read on the sundial are according to standard time (winter time). When the Daylight Saving Time (DST or summer time) exists, you should add 1 hour.
Example: The gnomon’s shadow shows 11 o’clock and summer time exists. Then we should make this correction (add 1 hour) and say that it is 12 o’clock.

Furthermore, the orbit of the Earth around the sun is not an absolute circle (it is called elliptic). That causes Earth to rotate around it’s axis a little slower or a little faster, depending how close is Earth to the sun. That means there will be differences between the time our sundial shows and the time our watches show. That’s why we should make the following corrections (shown in Table 1):

Table 1. Corrections regarding the frequency of a complete rotation of the Earth around its axis.

From Jan 1st till Jan 15th : Subtract 5 minutes of an hour (- 00:05)
From Jan 16th till Jan 31st : Subtract 10 minutes of an hour (- 00:10)
From Feb 1st till Feb 28th : Subtract 10 minutes of an hour (- 00:10)
From Mar 1st till Mar 15th : Subtract 10 minutes of an hour (- 00:10)
From Mar 16th till Mar 31st : Subtract 5 minutes of an hour (- 00:05)
From Apr 1st till Apr 15th : Do not make any correction
From Apr 16th till Apr 30th : Add 5 minutes of an hour (+ 00:05)
From May 1st till May 31st : Add 5 minutes of an hour (+ 00:05)
From Jun 1st till Jun 15th : Add 5 minutes of an hour (+ 00:05)
From Jun 16th till Jun 30th : Do not make any correction
From Jul 1st till Jul 31st : Do not make any correction
From Aug 1st till Aug 31st : Do not make any correction
From Sep 1st till Sep 15th : Add 5 minutes of an hour (+ 00:05)
From Sep 16th till Sep 30th : Add 10 minutes of an hour (+ 00:10)
From Oct 1st till Oct 15th : Add 15 minutes of an hour (+ 00:15)
From Oct 16th till Oct 31st : Add 20 minutes of an hour (+ 00:20)
From Nov 1st till Nov 15th : Add 20 minutes of an hour (+ 00:20)
From Nov 16th till Nov 30th : Add 15 minutes of an hour (+ 00:15)
From Dec 1st till Dec 15th : Add 10 minutes of an hour (+ 00:10)
From Dec 16th till Dec 31st : Do not make any correction

Finally, corrections have to be made because the solar noon is not reached in every place on Earth always at 12 o’clock (local time). This is due to the Longitude of the place in relation with the Time Zone it belongs. Corrections should also include this factor. In Table 2 there is an example of such corrections needed for Greece and Cyprus. For any other place, there are differences. I can send you the corresponding corrections for any place of the Earth. I just need to know the Longitude and the Time Zone of the place.

Table 2. Corrections based on the Longitude and the Time Zone for Greece and Cyprus.

Longitude (degrees)
Time Zone
Correction: add(+) / subtract (-)

19 o East

+ 44 minutes
20 o East

+ 40 minutes
21 o East

+ 36 minutes
22 o East

+ 32 minutes
23 o East

+ 28 minutes
24 o East

+ 24 minutes
25 o East

+ 20 minutes
26 o East

+ 16 minutes
27 o East

+ 12 minutes
28 o East

+ 8 minutes
29 o East

+ 4 minutes

32 o East

- 8 minutes
33 o East

-12 minutes
34 o East

-16 minutes
35 o East

-20 minutes

An equatorial sundial has been placed in Thessaloniki (Greece) which has Longitude 23o East. The date is June 1st (summer time). The sundial shows 11:30. The corrections that must be made will be:
  1. Because we have summer time we add 1 hour (+01:00).
  2. From Table 1 we add 5 minutes (+00:05).
  3. From Table 2 we add 28 minutes (+00:28).
Therefore, the time is finally 11:30 + 01:00 + 00:05 + 00:28 = 13:03 according to our watches.

An equatorial sundial has been placed in Heraklion (Greece) which has Longitude 25o East. The date is February 1st (winter time). The sundial shows 11:30. The corrections that must be made will be:
  1. Because we have winter time we make no correction.
  2. From Table 1 we subtract 10 minutes (-00:10).
  3. From Table 2 we add 20 minutes (+00:20).
Therefore, the time is finally 11:30 + 00:00 - 00:10 + 00:20 = 11:40 according to our watches.


This type of sundial can also be used as a compass! Furthermore, (almost) no corrections are needed when reading the time of the sundial’s hour frame. However, the gnomon should be moved on its proper position according to the date.

Below there is a figure and a photograph of an analemmatic sundial – compass:

The design of an analemmatic sundial is more complex compared to the equatorial sundial. The calculation of the coordinates of the hours and of the analemma (the one with “8” shape where dates are written) takes longer time. Nevertheless, I made an effort and succeeded an automatic procedure. In an Excel file I wrote the formulas of calculations and results derive automatically. One should just input the data needed, such as the Geographic Coordinates and the Time Zone of the place where the sundial is going to be set.
See the following images of this Excel program:

Note: The coordinates of the hours and of the analemma have resulted randomly. That means that you can adjust these values to whichever size (dimension) you want.

If you are interested, I will be happy to send you the coordinates of the hours and of the analemma so that you make your own sundial - compass.